Social posts, CRM, content
BrewDog the company that invented the famous Punk IPA wanted a French Punk copywriter so they got me! BrewDog has a definite TOV that translators just couldn't master where deep knowledge of British cultural references is paramount. I created and transcreated copy for their content, product descriptions, social ads, eCRM, and various promos.
Social posts, TV
Beckham has been central to the Ninja's Christmas campaign 2024 Ninja the Holidays. Here he demonstrates how Ninja various appliances, the Woodfire Outdoor Oven and the Double Stack, help him to cook a superb Christmas dinner for all his guests. He is also able to give useful gifts like the Creami.
Some more posts were created and transcreated with Beckham promoting the Outdoor Pizza Oven.
Photobox, Coolr
Social posts, CRM
Photobox needed French input across all their departments. I created and transcreated copy for the French market and as a template for Southern Europe. ECRM, social media, website content, product naming, launch and copy, blog. The high volume of work demanded a quick turnaround with launches of products and promotions happening simultaneously. I also provided a consultancy service, advising on the relevance of campaigns and products for markets in Europe, and SEO search terms. I also created a glossary for a more cohesive approach to French copywriting.
I also collaborated with Coolr their social media agency and created posts for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Social posts, CRM, content
I created copy and transcreated a number of digital campaigns promoting AWS webinars with their partners in France. Emails, web content, social posts, ebook.